Category Archives: Idaho Healthcare Law

May 24, 2024

Idaho Medical Lien Statute: Important Changes

By Kim Stanger

Since 2020, healthcare providers have struggled to reconcile Idaho’s medical lien law with the Idaho Patient Act (IPACT). The lien statute allows healthcare providers who render treatment to a person injured by the acts of a third party to file a lien against the liable third party to recover their fees; to be effective, the lien had to be filed within 90 days of the last date of services.1 But filing a medical lien constituted an “extraordinary collection action” under IPACT, and IPACT generally prohibited taking such actions until after the 90-day period for filing the medical lien expired.2 Net result: providers had to choose between the lien or potential IPACT penalties.

Effective March 28, 2024, the Idaho legislature resolved the dilemma by permitting compliant medical liens so long as they are filed under new time limits in the lien statute. Continue reading

April 26, 2024

New Limits on Minor Consents in Idaho

By Kim Stanger

Note: This health law update originally was published on April 9, 2024. It was updated April 26, 2024, to reflect additional information.

Effective July 1, 2024, Idaho healthcare providers must obtain parental consent to treat unemancipated minors or face civil liability except in emergency cases. In addition, parents will have a right to access the medical records of their minor children subject to very limited exceptions. This is a significant change in the current law and will require healthcare providers to adjust their current policies and practices. The statute must be read and applied in conjunction with Idaho’s general consent statutes, I.C. § 39-4501 et seq. Continue reading

February 6, 2024

24-Hour Mental Holds In Idaho: New Standards, New Problems

By Kim Stanger

Since early 2022, the Idaho legislature has modified the standards for a patient’s capacity to consent to healthcare and 24-hour protective holds. This health law update summarizes the current rules for capacity and consent; the amended standards for 24-hour mental holds; and the net effect the changes may have on patients, providers, and hospitals. For information concerning protective holds for minors under I.C. § 16-2411 or 72-hour holds for voluntary inpatients under I.C. § 66-320, see our article at Continue reading

October 3, 2023

No More EMTALA Exception to Idaho’s Total Abortion Ban

By Kim Stanger

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ended the EMTALA exception to Idaho’s total abortion ban, I.C. 18-622.

In 2022, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) sued the state of Idaho, claiming that EMTALA preempted the total abortion ban in emergency cases. The federal district court of Idaho entered a preliminary injunction staying Idaho’s enforcement of its total abortion ban in EMTALA cases pending final resolution of the case.  (See our August 26, 2022, Health Law Update.) However, on September 28, 2023, the Ninth Circuit overruled the district court, holding that an intervening decision by the Idaho Supreme Court and Idaho’s amendment to the total abortion ban in 2023 mitigated, to a large extent, the concerns raised by the district court. Accordingly, the Ninth Circuit stayed the district court’s injunction, thereby ending the EMTALA exception to the total abortion ban pending a final decision in the district court case. A copy of the Ninth Circuit decision may be accessed hereContinue reading

September 22, 2023

Idaho’s New Essential Caregiver Visitation Law

by Cameron McCue

Idaho implemented a new law that gives people receiving in-person healthcare services the right to be visited by essential caregivers of their choosing under certain conditions. I.C. § 39-9802. The law, which became effective July 1, 2023, requires healthcare and assisted living facilities to allow patients to have in-person visitation from an essential caregiver even if other visitors are being excluded by the facility. I.C. § 39-9803. The new law supplements requirements that hospitals, long-term care facilities, and certain other institutional providers already have under licensure regulations or Medicare conditions of participation.

The law defines “essential caregiver” as “a person or persons designated by a patient or resident to visit the patient or resident in person at a facility.” I.C. § 39-9801(2). Healthcare facilities have certain obligations under the new law beyond just allowing patients to have in-person visitation from an essential caregiver. Facilities must (1) when practicable, notify potential patients or residents of their right to designate essential caregivers prior to admission to the facility; (2) provide patients or residents an opportunity to designate their essential caregivers; and (3) within certain limits, accommodate patient requests to have essential caregivers visit. Continue reading

August 1, 2023

Referrals for Out-of-State Abortions: New Idaho Decision

By Kim Stanger

The federal District Court of Idaho has issued a ruling that will help protect physicians and other healthcare providers who refer patients outside of Idaho for an abortion.

As we have previously discussed (see, Idaho’s criminal abortion ban prohibits “assist[ing] in performing or attempting to perform an abortion.”  (I.C. 18-622(2)).  On March 27, 2023, Idaho Attorney General Labrador issued a letter (the “Crane Letter”) to a legislator in which he opined: Continue reading

July 20, 2023

Consent for Treatment of Minors in Idaho

By Kim Stanger

In Idaho, persons under the age of 18 (“minors”) may consent to their own healthcare in only limited circumstances.1

General Rule: Obtain Consent from Parent or Surrogate Decision Maker. Idaho Code § 39‑4503 sets forth the general standard for determining whether a person is competent to consent to their own healthcare:

Any person … who comprehends the need for, the nature of and the significant risks ordinarily inherent in any contemplated health care services is competent to consent thereto on his or her own behalf.

Continue reading

July 19, 2023

The Idaho Medical Consent Act: Recent Amendments

By Kim Stanger

The Idaho legislature has amended Idaho’s Medical Consent Act.  The redlined changes are shown here.  Effective July 1, 2023, the rules for medical consents in Idaho are as follows:

1. Need for Informed Consent. As a general rule, a healthcare provider or entity must have informed consent from a competent patient or their authorized surrogate decision-maker to provide healthcare. Failure to obtain sufficiently informed consent may subject the provider to liability for civil, administrative, and potentially criminal penalties.  In addition to malpractice, assault, or other common causes of action, Idaho recognizes a specific tort cause of action for lack of informed consent.1 Continue reading

April 13, 2023

Idaho’s Amended Abortion Laws: Summary and Updated FAQs

By Kim Stanger

The Idaho legislature has amended Idaho’s abortion laws. This health law update briefly summarizes key changes and updates our FAQs to address the new developments.

Total Abortion Ban. The Idaho legislature addressed some of the concerns by providers but declined to add an exception based on the health of the mother. As amended effective July 1, 2023, Continue reading