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CMS Waives Stark Law Limits to Hospital-Physician Arrangements During COVID-19 Pandemic
/in MedicareBy Kim Stanger
On March 30, 2020, CMS opened the way for hospitals to provide additional compensation and/or support to referring physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic by waiving the enforcement penalties under the federal Ethics in Patient Referrals Act (“Stark”). (See https://www.cms.gov/files/document/covid-19-blanket-waivers-section-1877g.pdf).
I. Stark Law Prohibitions.
Stark generally prohibits physicians from ordering or referring certain designated health services (“DHS”) payable by Medicare or Medicaid to a hospital or other entity with which the physician (or a member of the physician’s family) has a financial relationship unless the arrangement is structured to fit within a regulatory safe harbor. (42 U.S.C. § 1395nn; 42 C.F.R. § 411.353). Those safe harbors may be difficult to satisfy in the COVID-19 crisis but for the CMS waivers. Read more
CMS Expands Blanket Waivers to Help Hospitals and Other Providers
/in Governance, Health InformationBy Kim Stanger
On March 30, 2020, CMS issued numerous additional blanket waivers to give providers greater flexibility in responding to COVID-19. (See https://www.cms.gov/files/document/summary-covid-19-emergency-declaration-waivers.pdf). Highlights include the following, but providers should review the entire list of waivers to confirm their scope and conditions. Many of the waivers only apply to the extent consistent with the state emergency preparedness or pandemic plan and/or state law. Read more
Healthcare Employers Spared Burden of FFCRA By Last Minute DOL Guidance
/in Healthcare Law, LegislationBy Bradley Cave
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act created a bizarre contradiction for healthcare employers. While hospitals, clinics and other patient care providers worked under great strain to care for patients, with COVID-19 and other maladies, the Act would have permitted employees of healthcare providers to be absent from work, sometimes with pay, in some situations for up to 12 weeks. Saturday afternoon, the DOL issued new guidance to greatly expand the scope of employees that healthcare providers can exclude from the leave rights under FFCRA, sparing providers from crippling staff shortages during this pandemic.
FFCRA permitted employers to elect to exclude healthcare providers and emergency responders from the leave rights created by the act. However, the act did not define emergency responder, and borrowed the FMLA’s narrow definition of healthcare provider. As the act was written, healthcare employers could exclude only doctors, nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants, along with a handful of other licensed professionals, from the leave rights under the act. Notably, RNs, LPNs and CNAs were not on the list of employees that could be excluded, nor were pharmacists, pharmacy techs, any type of therapists, or any of the support staff necessary to operate a hospital, nursing home or medical practice. Read more
Health Provisions/Medicare & Medicare Extenders/OTC Drugs
/in Hospitals & Health Systems, LegislationBy Karina Sargsian and Kim Stanger
The CARES Act adopts several measures to help stabilize the healthcare system, address health care issues directly and indirectly related to the current pandemic and ensure future preparedness. It also allocates $100 billion of direct funding to help hospitals keep their doors open. Many of the provisions are only tangentially related to the current pandemic, such as re-appropriations for a variety of health programs. Read more
Healthcare Employers and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
/in Employee Benefits, Employment, LegislationBy Brit (Brittany) Merrill, S. Jordan Walsh, and Bradley Cave
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was signed into law on March 18, 2020 and becomes effective on April 2, 2020. As part of the FFCRA Congress enacted the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (“Expansion Act”) and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (“Sick Leave Act”). Sections I and II below summarize how the Expansion Act and the Sick Leave Act will apply to employers generally. Please contact your Holland & Hart attorney for specific questions relating to your workforce. Read more